Vanadyl Sulfate and Diabetes


Vanadyl sulfate, a well-known inorganic compound of vanadium, is a naturally occurring mineral in the body. Pepper, dill, oats, buckwheat, radish, eggs, and vegetable oil contain some amount of vanadyl sulfate. More research is needed to determine its physiological role in the human body. The effect of this compound on diabetics is fiercely discussed in the medical society, as it has gained huge popularity for its insulin-like properties.

Vanadyl Sulfate

Vanadyl sulfate acts like insulin and increases the amount of glucose and amino acids in the muscle. It helps to balance blood sugar levels, and thus aids in the release of energy. High concentration of sugar or glucose in the blood stream triggers the release of insulin which alerts the muscles, liver, and fat tissues to utilize this glucose in the blood. It is used in the form of energy, instead of the stored fat. As a result of this, the elevated glucose levels drop and consequently the insulin levels also go down. Studies have shown that vanadyl sulfate supplements, if taken regularly, help improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin and help treat diabetes.

Also, it is used as a bodybuilding supplement, though, its effectiveness as a workout supplement is still in question. Some argue that they are essential for normal growth and development. However, there are some side effects associated with this supplement which are discussed below.

Is Vanadyl Sulfate Effective?

It is claimed that consumption of these supplements can increase your body mass, decrease your body fat, increase your endurance level, and provide long-term muscle growth. However, these claims are yet to be proved clinically.

If the body does not produce enough insulin, as noticed in diabetes, then it can help improve the mechanisms controlled by insulin. However, the manufacturers claim that it is the perfect shortcut to get a perfect physique. Some consumers may look at this supplement as a miracle product. But, it should be noted that during exercise, insulin has no role to play. Increased amounts of insulin can be beneficial after a meal. Therefore, it is not beneficial for a person who is exercising.

Effects on Diabetics

In type 1 diabetes, the body is unable to produce insulin, while in type 2 diabetes, there is no problem in production of insulin, but body has a hard time recognizing insulin and so the individual has excess glucose in the blood stream.

It seems that increased insulin is required during exercise, but more glucose is made available to the cells due to increased blood flow during exercise. Thus, the muscles actually become more sensitive to insulin, and there is no need for an increase in the insulin levels. So, instead of using vanadyl sulfate as a workout supplement, it should be treated as a diabetic supplement for insulin.

Diabetics need to control their glucose levels with careful monitoring of their diet and exercise. They need to take insulin orally, and some may even take shots to help regulate the glucose levels in their blood. Most current forms of oral synthetic insulin seem to have side effects. So, the scientists are researching to find another form of synthetic oral insulin, that could be acceptable for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

Studies have shown that high doses of vanadyl sulfate is not taken well by the body over a period of time. Development of green tongue, upset stomach, and gastrointestinal disturbances were some of the side effects observed during the trials. In some cases, athletes who take large amounts of this supplement have experienced hypoglycemia, which can cause seizures, hypoglycemic comas, and death. In a study, when diabetic rats were given high doses of this medicine, death rate as high as 50% was observed. Even though they were cured of diabetes, it cannot be considered positive.

Therefore, from the aforementioned data it can be concluded that it has the potential to be harmful and more research is needed in this field. So, it is better to consult your doctor before opting for vanadyl sulfate. Also, the best way to control diabetes is by strictly following a healthy diet and exercising regularly.