A diet rich in proteins is the key to muscle building. Proteins are an important constituent of any bodybuilding diet. Bodybuilders and even weightlifters are often advised to have a protein rich diet to gain muscles. As we all know, proteins are the building blocks of body muscles. So increasing the protein intake is essential to build muscles. Bodybuilders ensure that they consume sufficient quantity of proteins daily to get the maximum benefits.
There are a number of foodstuffs that contain high amount of protein. Include these foods in your diet if you are serious about gaining muscles. You can easily obtain proteins by consuming the following food sources:
- Dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese and yogurt
- Fish (salmon, tuna)
- Poultry products that include chicken and turkey
Whey protein is also a good source of proteins for building muscle mass. This nutrient is easy to digest and can effectively be utilized by the body. You can supplement your diet with whey protein powders. This whey protein supplementation is an excellent quality protein source and can make a positive impact on your immune system.
Carbohydrates also play a very important role in building body muscles. Foods high in carbohydrates are an essential part of any muscle building diet. For muscle development, you need to include carbohydrates into your diet. Beside being a major source of energy, carbohydrates can positively affect your muscle building process. They provide the energy needed to perform workouts and weight training sessions. Foods rich in carbohydrates are as follows:
- Whole foods such as potatoes, brown rice and whole grain cereal
- Most vegetables and fruits contain carbohydrates
- Wheat breads, fruits such as apples, bananas and sports drinks are rich in carbohydrates
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats do assist to gain muscle mass. Consuming healthy fats is extremely beneficial for muscle growth. You need to avoid fatty foods to prevent build up of excess body fat. Healthy fats boost the immune system and help in maintaining normal body function. Flaxseed oil, omega-3 essential fatty acids, nuts and olive oil come under the list of healthy fats. Ensure that your diet is low in trans and unsaturated fat.
Many times, those seeking to build up muscles ignore the importance of water. The body loses water in the form of sweat during workouts. This can be compensated by drinking plenty of water (almost a gallon) throughout the day. Having adequate water is crucial to prevent dehydration. Muscles appear flat if the body gets dehydrated. The muscle cells also depend upon water to generate energy. A steady water intake ensures that nutrients are delivered to billions of body cells. A bodybuilder consuming sufficient amount of water will definitely have powerful looking muscles.
Nutrition Plan for Muscle Building
Having small meals rich in proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates every 2-3 hours is recommended. In other words, you need to have 6 small meals daily to gain muscles. Having vegetables in small amounts in every meal is also necessary to integrate minerals and vitamins into your diet. The ideal time to eat foods rich in carbohydrates is after a workout. Post workout, nutrition is very important which can be easily achieved by eating carbohydrates. Having too much carbohydrates in one meal will cause excess fat gain. Having small servings of carbohydrates often will support your bodybuilding process.
Focusing on eating the right food and following a regular exercise can accelerate muscle growth. A muscle building diet that includes the aforementioned foods will provide a boost to your muscle building process.