This might not sound like a genuine tip for muscle building as such, but it is an important tip! Try to avoid absenteeism from the gymnasium. For the first few days, you might feel a bit tired and stressed out, as your body is not habitual to such heavy physical activities. But relax your body by getting sufficient rest and enter the gymnasium with full enthusiasm. Be punctual and you will surely see the difference!
Again, you might think that this tip is a bit off-track, but no! Be obedient to the trainer. You will have discussed your objective for quick muscle gain with him and now you need to follow the workout designed by him.
In the early days, say for a week’s time, learn all the workout techniques properly and then move ahead. Apply more weights to your machine or the barbell and see that you are not exceeding 10 repetitions and performing not more than 4 sets. This will help you in quick gain of muscle mass. But remember to ask for the trainer’s support while lifting such heavy weights as imbalance could result in serious injuries to muscles.
Avoid performing workouts for a long time, doing slow repetitions. Try to work more in less time. Rest for less time between your sets and move on quickly to other exercises. For quick muscle gain, you must come out of your comfort zone and work hard to accomplish your goal.
For instance, if you are building your biceps and this week you are going to lift a weight of 10 kilos each side, then do not stick to the same routine the next week. Increase the weights gradually in consultation with your trainer. With practice, one can get a better grasp of this technique. The formula is simple: ‘more weight = more muscles!’
Aerobics help in losing body fat. Therefore, aerobics would not help in your gaining muscle mass quickly. So, stop your aerobic activities and see your muscles gaining mass!
Eat more food, gain more mass! But prefer following a high protein diet. Proteins help build muscles when coupled with regular workouts. Consume carbohydrates in small quantities for energy generation. Consume more calories, as calories are vital for building muscles and also repairing the muscle tissues that sometimes get damaged while working out. Avoid empty calories gained from fast food, and consume foodstuffs containing calories essential for muscle growth. Along with calories, your diet should also comprise fat-rich foodstuffs. Fats will help you in gaining mass on your muscles. However, insist on consuming essential fatty acids rather than their saturated counterparts. One more thing for you to remember is drinking a lot of water. Water will help you remain fit and also prevent dehydration, which is likely to occur during or after workouts. Ensure that your diet plan is designed by your trainer, after knowing your physical limitations or health problems, if any.
You see a lot of muscular men around you, no doubt they have trained themselves hard for bodybuilding! But another secret about their muscles that goes unseen by everyone is the sufficient rest that these people take. Too much of stress on the muscles might have a negative impact on their growth. Therefore, sufficient rest is very necessary. Sleeping for a duration of 7-8 hours is advisable.
Let’s quickly revise what we discussed. Train your muscles well, eat nutritious food, and take good rest. Follow these tips and enjoy being called the ‘muscular hunk’!